________________________________ | Crappy Eazy Way to Zip files | | [Tested on WinXP] | | fakedminded/berniee | | [EOF-Project] | |________________________________| -Index -Introduction -Some stuff you need to know -Script -Full Code -Final Words -Introduction This small tutorial will demonsetrate an easy way to zip files using microsoft built-in capabilities ,since this method based on namespace[..COM] I couldnt find better way at the moment than scripting . 'ALL THE FOLLOWING TESTED USING WINXP SP2' -Some stuff you need to know[you can skip them] Namespace Extension: An in-process COM object that implements IShellFolder, IPersistFolder, and IShellView, which are sometimes referred to as the namespace extension interfaces. A namespace extension is used either to extend the shell's namespace or to create a separate namespace. Primary users are the Windows Explorer and common file dialog boxes. -- From MS-SDK Zip files :without installed softwares handles it,zip files in WinXP is treated as a folder infact as a virtual folder so we need to deal with namespace thinggie to access it... -Script I am not that fond of scripting ,but there is no harm to use it from time to time,see the following script: '-------------------script see this vb script: Dim oApp FileName = WScript.Arguments(0) ToBeZipped =WScript.Arguments(1) Set oApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application") oApp.NameSpace(FileName).CopyHere ToBeZipped Do Until oApp.NameSpace(FileName).items.Count = 1 wScript.Sleep(100) Loop '-------------------end of script The script is simple and easy you can execute it by like this: zip.vbs "[complete path of zip file]" "[Complete path of the source to be zipped file]" Note :Dont forget the Quotes... But here you should have made previousily zip file, which you can create it as a normal file with this header of 22 bytes zip_header db 80, 75, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 -Full Code Here I will demonstrate in asm code (masm32) how to drop the above vbscript and execute it to have current executable file zipped. ;-----------------Start of code .586 .model flat,stdcall option casemap:none include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc include \masm32\include\user32.inc include \masm32\include\windows.inc includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib .data vbs db 'Dim oApp',13,10 db 'FileName = WScript.Arguments(0)',13,10 db 'ToBeZipped =WScript.Arguments(1)',13,10 db 'Set oApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")',13,10 db 'oApp.NameSpace(FileName).CopyHere ToBeZipped',13,10 db 'Do Until oApp.NameSpace(FileName).items.Count = 1',13,10 db 'wScript.Sleep(100)',13,10,'Loop',13,10,0 zip_header db 80, 75, 5, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 q_t db ' "',0 command db "wscript zip.vbs",0 vbs_file db "zip.vbs",0 zip_file db "packed.zip",0 slash db "\",0 .data? bwr dd ? buffer db 256 dup(?) buffer_ db 256 dup(?) .code start: invoke CreateFile,offset vbs_file,40000000h,0,0,2,0,0 push eax invoke lstrlen,offset vbs mov edx,[esp] invoke WriteFile,edx,offset vbs,eax,offset bwr,0 pop eax invoke CloseHandle,eax invoke CreateFile,offset zip_file,40000000h,0,0,2,0,0 push eax invoke WriteFile,eax,offset zip_header,22,offset bwr,0 pop eax invoke CloseHandle,eax invoke lstrcat,offset buffer,offset command ;lots of lstrcat() :/ invoke lstrcat,offset buffer,offset q_t invoke GetCurrentDirectory,256,offset buffer_ invoke lstrcat,offset buffer_,offset slash invoke lstrcat,offset buffer_,offset zip_file invoke lstrcat,offset buffer,offset buffer_ invoke lstrcat,offset buffer,offset q_t invoke lstrcat,offset buffer,offset q_t invoke RtlZeroMemory,offset buffer_,256 invoke GetModuleFileName,0,offset buffer_,256 invoke lstrcat,offset buffer,offset buffer_ invoke lstrcat,offset buffer,offset q_t invoke WinExec,offset buffer,0 invoke Sleep,1000 ;time for the script to start invoke DeleteFile,offset vbs_file invoke MessageBox,0,offset zip_header,offset buffer,0 exit: invoke ExitProcess,0 end start ;-----------------End of code the code will drop a zip.vbs and creates an empty zip file in current directory ,then execute wscript to run the zip.vbs with the needed arguments. -Final Words Since dropping into disk is a very noisy procedure I would recommend the example "Adding a Script Engine to Assembly Applications" in masm32 package by Ernest Murphy,I tried it and it was cool specially if you put the script in your code as above and not as a separate file as in the masm32 COM example. Also you may try your chance with COM to run namespace without script intrusion. All the above script have been scavanged &modified from google resources,and the credit for the namespace object goes for a japanese site or other forum sites [see google] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- || berniee/fakedminded[EOF-Project.net] || Oct.2006 || ass-koder.de.vu