Topic: Just a little bit more about testing

Hi all.
There was somewhere here a topic about platform u use for testing yours things, and this one is some sort of continuation of it.
Ok, the problem is: 1) I test my works at vt, but it's just heuristic analize;
                               2) I have few VM with diffirent AV's for dynamic testing and emulation;
It makes me angry sometimes, really... I know there are some specific online-testings, but they are not free of course. Perhaps u know easier ways to test works for free?

Re: Just a little bit more about testing

Have you tried

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Re: Just a little bit more about testing

I've visited Anubis, but it didn't work at that time. So, I even haven't tested it and soon I forgot about this scanner.
I've never visited the second one, so big thanks, XtcC.