Topic: Looking for a tut

What is the best introductory tut for the simplest virus (prepender, appender) in c and asm. Something with detailed explanations is what I am looking for. Not very good with asm skills, so its important that details are specific. C skills ok, but good detail and comments still important.

Looking on this site, most explanations require some experience in virus writing, so thats not very introductory. Win32 and Linux ok. assembler does not matter which one. intel at&t syntax both helpful.

This site has alot of magazines also, maybe one of those has something, but it could take forever to find which one is up to date and useful.

So if anyone here can recommend something thanks.

Ps: I have done some research on my question and I can ask very specific questions about coding, if there is someone here that has the time to do a walkthrough with me, pm or email me. Win32 ok, but I would prefer Linux, gcc and linker and as or nasm. But anything that works is ok.