Topic: Improving the library

Today the library's size crossed the 50M boundary, but it's still missing many books and papers.
For example, you could look through the Slade's reviews for the missing titles.
(Please note, that there are many things in the PDF section. Check it before re-submitting book or paper.)
Together we could do something about this.
If you have some old/new book or article you could send a hard copy of it, a scan, or the OCRed text.

VX Heavens Library HTML guidelines
There are simple rules for the HTML layout which would speed up the process.
* The article item should be text file (0x0A for line breaks) in UTF-8 charset, beginning with header:

%Lang  : EN
%Type  : AV
%Title : Computer viruses and anti-virus warfare
%Author: Hruska, Jan
%Source: Ellis Horwood, p.224
%ISBN  : 0-13-036377-4
%Date  : XX/XX/1992
%Desc  : Given the relationship between Hruska...

You could check the type here, it's encoded in the URL of the sub-section. The rest of file must be valid XHTML1 without headers.

* Valid HTML, all tags should be lowercase and properly closed:
WRONG: <Ul><LI>one<li>two

* No <b> and <i>, <strong> and <em>! No <span style, <font color and other mess!

* No unneccessary line breaks. Text paragraph or a list item occupie a single line.
<p>Text text
text text</p>

<p>Text text text text</p>

* Nested tags should be indented with tabs (0x09 character) not a spaces.
* Source code must be enclosed in <src> tag:

<src lang="c">
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  puts("hello, world!");
  return 0;

There the "lang" attribute accepts anything that GeSHI could recognize.

* References to the other parts of site enclosed in [ref] pseudo-tag:

I cited [ref lib:ars00]Slade's reviews[/ref]

* Page numbers:

<p>should be enclosed in

* All image paths are relative and starts from "img/":

<div align="center">
  <img src="img/figure1.gif" alt="Figure 1" />
  <p><strong>Figure 1</strong></p>

* You should use <h1> ... <h6> for headings and add anchors (to generate the contents).
Starting from h2 (h1 is reserved for the title)

<h2><a name="c0"></a>Abstract</h2>
<h2><a name="c1"></a>Chapter 1</h2>
<h3><a name="c11"></a>Section 1.1</h3>

You could check any paper in the library or ask question in this topic, if you missed something from this guide.

I would like to thank all the people who sent (or helped editing) the books and papers!