Topic: Virus Collection 2011 (Announcement) updated 2011-11-30
I am happy to announce the Virus Collection 2011! Estimated release date is January 2011.
With the help from our devoted supporters, there were more than 400GB of packed malware collected.
P.S. I am even a bit concerned on how to work with such huge amounts of data (since the HDDs on the new server are connected in RAID1, there is not much space left ;-)
Update (2011-01-25): The release most likely would be delayed
The server has ran out of space. I would split the mirror to keep the incoming files,
but I have no space for unpacking and sorting. You could speed up an issue by
donating money or hardware, PM or mail me. Thank you.
update (2011-02-07) server upgraded, thanks to ka5
update (2011-11-21)
I am heartily sorry for delaying the release for so long. :-(
I have started the sorting of the next release of the collection.
I am still unsure about the form of the release (single/multiple) torrent(s) or the individual files or both,
but the relase is coming anyway. I will update this topic with progress.
Thank you for your patience.
2011-11-23 The current progress: checked: 170K files, 63K unique samples, there are a much more ahead...
2011-11-24 Unpacking next bundle 60 of 150G was unpacked.
2011-11-30 I am continue to unpack and sort the collection, number of uniques hit the 500K threshold.