Topic: Best Virus Analysis Tools for Linux

I am just wondering what are the best tools for analysing Linux Virus/malware etc, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

As I have said in my other posts I have been out of the Anti-Virus scene for a long long time but now wish to get back into the arena again but on the Linux front. I just wish I could get all of my Amiga anti-virus app source code, malware source code and samples off the old 3.5 inch floppies.

Anyway back to modern day, I want to start looking at protecting Linux from threats that may not be there yet, so I wish to understand the current crop before they start getting nastier.

Will also need to get as many samples of Linux nasties as I can to analyse.

Thanks in advance

Re: Best Virus Analysis Tools for Linux

Are there even any Linux Virus/malware in the wild?