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On the Implications of Computer Viruses and Methods of Defense

Fred Cohen
Invited Paper, IFIP-TC11, 'Computers and Security', V7#2
April 1988

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In this paper, we describe much of the previous and present work on computer viruses. We begin with a short history and bibliographic summary. We then describe some of the major issues that arise in the study of computer viruses and their protection ramifications. We describe most of the lines of research presently under way and some of their features and failings. We introduce a method by which certain classes of systems may be used in such a manner as to provide limited protection from computer viruses, and by which general purpose experiments in new protection mechanisms may be explored. Finally, we point out some of the social issues implied by viruses and the ramifications of our present social policies on the integrity of information residing in information systems.

1 - Introduction

A "computer virus" [1] is a program that can "infect" other programs by modifying them to include a possibly evolved version of itself. With this infection property, a virus can spread to the transitive closure of information flow, corrupting the integrity of information as it spreads [1]. Given the widespread use of sharing in current computer systems, the threat of a virus causing widespread integrity corruption is significant [2,3].

A considerable amount of early work was done on protection policies to prevent from the illicit dissemination of information [4,5], and several systems have been implemented to provide protection from this sort of attack [6-9], but little work was done on protecting the integrity of information except in very limited domains [10,11]. With the advent of computer viruses [1], this situation has changed dramatically, with over 20 journal and conference papers appearing in the last 3 years [12-32], and several conferences on viruses held every year.

It is critical to understand that viruses are not programs that exploit errors or omissions in the implementation of operating systems. They are in every sense of the word, normal user programs, using only the normal sorts of operations that every user of computers uses every day. It has been proven that in any system that allows information to be shared, interpreted, and retransmitted once received, a virus can spread throughout the system [13]. The only hope for perfect prevention lies in limiting these functions, but these functions are exactly the reason that computers are so very useful in the world today. We cannot reasonably expect that these functions will be abandoned on any broad scale, and thus we must resign ourselves to the fact that the situation is and always will be one of survival of the fittest.

Earlier work on related topics included the Xerox worm program [33] which demonstrated the ability to propagate through a network. The worm accidentally caused denial of services in an isolated instance, apparently due to a bit error. The game of "core wars" [34] was invented to allow programs to "do battle" with each other. Other variations on this theme have been reported by many unpublished authors. The term virus has also been used in conjunction with an augmentation to APL in which the author places a call at the beginning of each user defined APL function to invoke a preprocessor which augments the default APL interpreter [35]. The major difference between earlier efforts and our research is that a computer virus performs "infection". With this infection property, many major issues arise, most notably:

As an analogy to a computer virus, consider a biological disease that is 100% infectious, spreads whenever animals communicate, kills all infected animals instantly at a given moment, and has no detectable side effect until that moment. If a delay of even one week were used between the introduction of the disease and its effect, it would be very likely to leave only a few people in remote villages alive, and would certainly wipe out the vast majority of modern society. If a computer virus of this type spread throughout the computers of the world, it would likely stop most computer usage for a significant period of time, and wreak havoc on modern government, financial, business, and academic institutions.

The potential threat of a widespread protection problem has been examined [36], and the potential damage to government, financial, business, and academic institutions is extreme. In addition, these institutions tend to use ad-hoc protection mechanisms in response to specific threats rather than sound theoretical techniques [37]. Older military protection systems depend to a large degree on isolationism, but newer systems allow 'multilevel' usage, in which users of various levels of trustworthiness simultaneously coexist and communicate within a single system [38]. In most of these systems, the user with the lowest security clearance is the greatest threat from the standpoint of viral attack, because higher security level users can run programs written at the lowest security level, and thus get infected.

2 - Experimental and Real World Attacks

Several experimental and real world viral attacks have been carried out. We feel compelled to report those which have been substantiated by multiple trustworthy sources or which have been experimentally verified in the course of our research.

Viral Experiments:

To demonstrate the feasibility of viral attack and the degree to which it is a threat, we performed several experiments. In each case, experiments were performed with the knowledge and consent of systems administrators. Implementation flaws were meticulously avoided because it was critical that these experiments not be based on implementation lapses, but rather on the fundamental nature of computer use.

Experiments have been performed on a variety of systems to demonstrate feasibility and determine the ease of implementing a virus on many systems. The following table summarizes the results of some representative experiments to date. The systems and languages are across the horizontal axis (Unix in C, Bell-LaPadula, Instrumentation, Unix shell, VMS command language, Basic, IBM PCnet, and PC under the DOS command language). The vertical axis indicates measures of performance (time to write the program, infection time, number of lines of code, number of experiments performed, minimum time to takeover, average time to takeover, and maximum time to takeover) where time to takeover indicates that all rights would be granted to the attacker within that delay from introducing the virus. N/A entries in the table indicate cases where results are either not applicable or not available. Most of these experiments have been confirmed by many researchers world wide.

	| Unix-C|  B-L	| Instr	|Unix-sh|  VMS	| Basic	| PCNet |PC-DOS	|
Write(h)|   8	|   18	|  N/A	|  .25	|  .5	|   4	|   8	|   4	|
Inf(sec)|  .5	|   20	|  N/A	|  <1	|  <1	|   10	|  0.5	|   2	|
Code(l)	|  200	|  260	|  N/A	|   1	|   9	|  100	|  100	|   25	|
Trials	|  5	|  N/A	|  N/A	|  N/A	|  N/A	|  N/A	|   1	|  <100	|
Min t	| 5 min	|  N/A	|30 sec	|  N/A	|  N/A	|  N/A	|30 sec	| 2 sec	|
Avg t	|30 min	|  N/A	|30 min	|  N/A	|  N/A	|  N/A	|30 sec	| 2 sec	|
Max t	|60 min	|  N/A	|48 hrs	|  N/A	|  N/A	|  N/A	|30 sec	| 2 sec	|

Many attacks have also been reported in the "real world". Many attacks are well documented, but the vast majority of those found to date are very simplistic and perform damage in a very obvious and rapid fashion. Perhaps the two most damaging viruses that have been detected to date involved a use delay between infection and damage.

One of those was apparently started at Lehigh University in the fall of 1987. In this PC based virus, an infected operating system disk causes itself to be replicated into the operating system of other disks it comes in contact with. After 4 replications, it destroys the file system. This virus infected several hundred computers and caused hundreds of systems to lose all of the data on their disks before it was detected. Several hundred more were infected before a defense was designed. Consider now the ramifications of a trivial change to this virus which waits till 40 infections before performing damage. Certainly tens of thousands of computers worldwide would become damaged. We are not certain, nor can we ever be certain, that this virus isn't being stored on a backup disk somewhere by an uninformed user. It can of course reappear again and again.

Another very damaging virus was launched against the Amiga computer. In this case, the virus managed to get into the legitimate distribution system of Commodore, and was spread in programs sold legitimately by the company. Many businesses have had their records and programs destroyed by this virus, which they paid for along with a legitimate piece of software. Commodore apparently gets one or more reports per week of this virus, and apparently has no defense against it at this time.

On the very widely used "Compuserve" network, a virus was apparently planted to infect the initialization files of the Apple MacIntosh. This virus was designed to put an advertisement on the screen on a particular date and then delete itself. It was noticed by a programmer browsing through their system initialization files, and the perpetrator was kicked off of Compuserve "for ever". Compuserve has countered by providing a public domain program that constantly runs in the background checking for modifications to system init files, and asks the user if these are desired. This defense takes computer time, disk space, and in the end doesn't really prevent viruses from corrupting other files. It also introduces substantial overhead for the user who has to answer technical questions about operational procedures in order to be able to use the system, and may interfere with other programs that are already operational on the system.

Similar attacks have been reported at the University of Maryland, the University of Pittsburgh, the Hebrew University, and several other universities. In light of the history of nondisclosure from the private sector, we can expect that these university attacks are reminiscent of the situation in the industrial community.

We don't want to leave the impression that only the weak and unprotected users of personal computers have been attacked in this fashion. In fact, there is no question that several large computer companies have been successfully attacked, and that viruses have been spread throughout their timesharing systems, even where the most stringent protection is provided. The experimental demonstrations above showed that viruses spread throughout systems with Bell-LaPadula based protection where the user with the least privilege is the most dangerous from the standpoint of viral attack. RACF, ACF2, MULTICS, and most of the large list of other mainframe based protection systems are all extremely vulnerable.

In Germany, the employees of a company were about to go on strike, and one of them decided to leave a virus in the mainframe computer. As the strike pressed on, the computer slowed to a halt. Backups were used to restore the system, and it again ground to a halt. In the end, several weeks worth of work had to be abandoned in order to get back to a state where the system operated. Again, a virus of this sort could be made to delay for months or years, and cause catastrophic losses which backup tapes would not be able to prevent.

The Christmas chain letter that rifled through thousands of IBM mainframes in their worldwide network several months ago wass apparently not a virus. It replicated, but appears not to have infected any other programs along its way. Clearly it could have performed infection, and if it would have done so, it would have created worldwide disaster for the worlds largest computer company. In fact, these systems do not have any protection from the same sort of attack happening again, nor do they prevent the use of infection in such an attack.

Several of the major computer companies have reported successful attacks to the media, and according to less reliable sources, many of the computer system in silicon valley have been infected by pranksters and more serious attackers. In one case, some experimenters created an evolutionary virus which escaped into both Hewlett-Packard's and Apple Computer's internal systems. Experiments have demonstrated viruses on DEC's and Unisys's computers.

What we cannot fail to see that every major US computer manufacturer has sustained attacks, and that most of them have publicly stated that these attacks have succeeded and that there is no known defense at this time.

3 - Current Best Lines of Defense


In general, we can limit information flow so as to form a POset of communicating information domains in a network or system [18,19,21,22]. In such a system, we can guarantee that a virus will spread only to those domains which are in the transitive flow path from its initial source [18]. The POset policy has advantages over the Bell-LaPadula [4] policy, the Biba [11] policy, and the lattice policy [5], in that it is more general than these, and encompasses properties of information networks as well as single processors. We have demonstrated methods by which collusions of multiple attackers can be limited in their damage [18], administrative methods by which such a network can be properly managed [18], methods for implementing distributed administration and management of such systems [19], a physical device for implementing these systems with provable implementation of policies [22], and have implemented an actual system which has these properties [21].

In a system with unlimited information paths, limited transitivity may have an effect if users don't use all available paths, but since there is always a direct path between any two users, there is always the possibility of infection. As an example, in a system with transitivity limited to a distance of 1 it is 'safe' to share information with any user you 'trust' without having to worry about whether that user has incorrectly trusted another user [1]. We have generalized this principle to arbitrary subsets of users and to arbitrary sequences of user actions [13]. In general, this problem becomes as complex as precise maintenance of information flow which has been proven NP-complete [5].

Although isolationism and limited transitivity offer solutions to the infection problem, they are not ideal in the sense that widespread sharing is generally considered a valuable tool in computing. Of these policies, only isolationism can be precisely implemented in practice because tracing exact information flow requires NP-complete time, and maintaining records of the flow requires large amounts of space [5]. This leaves us with imprecise techniques. The problem with imprecise techniques is that they tend to move systems towards isolationism because they use conservative estimates in order to prevent potential damage. When information has been unjustly deemed unreadable by a given user, the system becomes less usable for that user. This is a form of denial of services in that access to information that should be accessible is denied. Such a system always tends to make itself less and less usable for sharing until it either becomes completely isolationist or reaches a stability point where all estimates are precise. If such a stability point existed, we would have a precise system for that stability point. Since we know that any precise stability point besides isolationism requires the solution to an NP-complete problem, we know that any non NP-complete solution must tend towards isolationism [1,13].

Detection of Viruses:

We have shown that detection of a virus is undecidable [1,13], as is the detection of evolutions of viruses from known viruses. A very interesting result of the undecidability issue is that, in an environment where general purpose evolutionary mechanisms are used for the generation of both viruses and viral detection and correction systems, a situation analogous to the biological situation of survival of the fittest could result.

Biological Models:

A biological analogy to computer viruses seems most appropriate in this case. The concept of following the biological lines of prevention, detection, and cure has been pursued to a small degree [13,30], but no significant progress has yet been made towards a systematic defense under this model.

Cure of Viruses:

Cure of viruses has been examined in some depth, and appears to present little hope in the general sense. The undecidability issues make the detection of a virus very hard. In addition, the tail chasing problem indicates that the cure of viruses can only be performed while services are denied [1]. This is similar to illness in biological systems. Finally, viruses stored on backups are rarely available during the cure's application, so reinfection after a cure is quite likely. In effect, the backup provides a media for the hibernation of the virus.


As an alternative to system wide defensive techniques against viruses, the survival of the fittest analogy provides an interesting means for self defense by individual programs. Rather than have every programmer design an independent self defense mechanism, we can imagine that a compiler might generate defenses automatically for programs compiled with it. A typical self defense involves detection and correction of internal errors [40]. The problems with this sort of defense are many and varied, and in general it does not prevent viral attack. The advantage of such a system is that it is easily implementable in a very short period of time, and that it makes the complexity of writing an undetected and uncorrected virus very high [23,27].

A recent result shows that we can systematically cause the complexity of undetected attack against programs and their data files to be made very large by the use of an evolutionary cryptographic checksumming technique [13,23,27]. We have prototyped a technique for providing protection in systems with no built-in protection mechanisms, and have successfully demonstrated its use in detecting viral attack. Source code for a software self defense program is included in the appendices of this paper.

Proper Defaults:

Default protection mechanisms on most systems are poorly maintained by systems administrators. By simply setting the default protection to files so that other users cannot execute them, viruses are prevented from spreading between users except through programs that are specifically enabled for shared use. One important reason this is helpful is that it limits the ways in which viruses can spread, and makes the tracking of their progress and potential determination of their source much easier.

The use of user defined access controls can also aide this protection to a significant degree. Rather than limiting the allowable access to a large group of people, individual permission for other users to use programs reduces the potential spread. Although this does not prevent viral attack, it makes implementation of viruses less trivial.

User Notification and Awareness:

User awareness is a critical aspect of protection. If users are aware of the threats against them, they may be better prepared to protect themselves. As an example, every time a file is modified, the operating system could notify the user of the change. This would make the user more aware of strange side effects of programs, and will allow the detection of many attacks by the user being attacked.

Perhaps the simplest modification to the operating system to this end is to output a message to the user's terminal every time a file is opened. This does not take a great deal of time or effort to implement and doesn't hinder typical operation, but it does provide the user with the ability to detect programs violating their perceived operating space. Requiring approval for writing to certain classes of files augments the notification process while decreasing convenience and increasing user awareness. The confinement of programs to limited authorization spaces has been shown infeasible because of covert channels [10], and precise tracking, as we pointed out earlier, is NP-complete [5].


Two types of system instrumentation were considered for detecting and tracing viral attacks. Although no technique will catch all viruses, many techniques may catch most viruses. The 'flow list' method whereby every user who might have had an effect on a file whether indirectly or directly is kept in an 'incoming flow list', and the statistical behavior method whereby the behavior of normal operation is observed and compared to the behavior under viral attacks to find good measures with which to detect viruses. Each was shown to be an improvement over systems with no detection mechanisms, but they are far from ideal. Flow lists tend to become large rapidly, and are NP-complete to precisely maintain. Statistical techniques tend to identify non-viruses, and if the nature of the technique is known, can always be avoided [1,13].

Programs that examine other programs' structure and behavior have been under investigation for quite some time for detecting cheating in computer science classes, and extensions of these principles are being explored for viral detection. These techniques appear to be very limited in their application, and offer little assurance. Even more importantly, such techniques may lead to a false sense of security.

Software Fault Tolerance:

The problem of computer viruses can be thought of as a reliability problem in which we have 'N' system users, 'M' of which are reliable. The problem we are faced with is that of getting reliable answers from a system with only 'M of N' reliable components. We have performed mathematical analysis of the effects of collusions on the spread of integrity corruption [17,18,19,21], and are presently considering issues related to redundant POset networks. Research in N-version programming has shown that it is very difficult to get multiple versions of the same program to operate with the same behavioral characteristics [41], and that even two correctly written programs may give different results if there specification is not sufficiently complete [42].

When we run a multiversion program we specify N executables, all written by different authors. The OS automatically invokes the N programs in parallel, and performs voting on all inputs and outputs [43-45]. The user is notified of disagreements, and the answer that is held by the majority of the programs (assuming there is one) is considered correct. This result is also fed into the other programs so that they can proceed on the basis of this result for further processing. If there is no majority vote, the program is aborted as having too severe an error for continuation.

Two problems with the use of fault tolerant software are that it requires considerably more effort to program, and it requires more hardware for the same system performance. The requirement of identical I/O behavior presents several problems. Two different methods of performing a calculation may yield very close, but differing results. The decision to take the average or disregard all results may have severe ramifications. The program as a whole can proceed no faster than the slowest of the algorithms used to compute the result, and faulty state information may propagate throughout a program, thus giving it the appearance of being untrustworthy when a single error caused the whole problem. More reliability can be gained by increasing N, but if performance is to remain the same, this requires a factor of (slightly more than) N increase in hardware and software costs.

4 - Future Defensive Strategies

Harrison, Ruzzo, and Ullman described the general principle of protection in information systems in 1976 [46], and showed that even some very simple sets of rights made it undecidable to determine the safety of a protection system. Lampson subsequently demonstrated that the confinement problem, wherein we attempt to prevent leakage of information by a supplier of an information service, is not likely to be solvable [10]. As a result of this early work, most further examination of these topics was considered fruitless.

The introduction of the computer virus problem [1,13], introduced the principle that a dramatic change in the methods by which we protect information must be considered. We used the "Universal Protection Machine" [13] to prove that information flows to the transitive closure of information flow, and that the "read" and "write" rights that we currently depend on so heavily, lead inexorably to a conflict between secrecy and integrity. If the integrity of information and the benefits of sharing, general purpose operation, and transitivity of information flow are to be maintained, we must abandon the premise of preventing information leakage as the primary function of protection systems, and embrace integrity protection as a primary goal.

Details of Previous Results:

A "protection system" is defined [46] as:

where   S = {s1,...,si}, the set of subjects
        O = {o1,...,ok}, the set of objects
        R = {r1,...,rl}, the set of rights
and     P:(SxO)=>R is a mapping from (S,O) pairs to right
        C = {c1,...,cm}, the set of commands

The most common rights associated with this model are "ownership", "read", "write", "execute", "append", "create", and "delete", but in general, any set of rights can be used to afford the desired functioning of the protection system, and those rights can correspond to any sequence of operations that can be performed by the system. Hence, we can include rights like "encrypt", "decrypt", "authenticate", "backup", and any number of other rights that we are able to practically implement.

The "commands" are a set of transforms on P which allow the rights to change with time. Typical transforms include "add-right", "delete-right", "add-subject", "add-object", "delete-subject", and "delete-object". With even these simple transforms, it is undecidable whether or not a given subject can eventually attain a given right to a given object [46].

As Lampson noticed [10], we may allow the provider of a service access to information in order to process it, but if we allow any state information to remain subsequent to the provision of that service, (e.g. the bill for that service), that information can be used to encode some aspects of the data input to that service. Therefore, we cannot effectively confine that information to the client of the service. This makes secrecy hard to maintain, but it does not in any way effect the integrity of the original data, nor does it prevent the assurance by the client that the service is properly provided.

The basic premise of [10] was that of protecting the secrecy of information, both from the standpoint of the provider and of the client of the information service. The provider of a service need not have general access to the client's information, but rather only to the information required for the performance of that service. More to the point, information requiring processing can be sent to the service for that processing, and the results sent back to the client after the service is completed. The client need not grant authority to the provider to act for the client in any way other than the performance of the requested service. This leads to the "data flow" concept which has been examined in some depth, but not in the context of a protection mechanism.

Some Observations:

Since the results returned to the client can be examined by the client at will before subsequent reuse, we may effectively limit the corruption possible by the provider until such time as their results are reused. We can also prevent other data belonging to the client from being affected by the direct action of the provider.

We can further improve integrity by making programs used to provide services available for inspection by the client of the service. This provides the client the opportunity to verify that the provided service contains no undesirable code. This doesn't provide proof of the integrity of the service, but it restricts the successful attack to the most clever of providers. Furthermore, the use of sets of standards by which we judge provided programs allows us to prevent the use of inobvious or tricky programming practices which may hide corrupt services.

Although this mechanism is not sufficient to prevent viral attack in the general sense, it may provide a substantial degree of protection to those that take the time to use it with proper care. In addition, this mechanism provides a means for experimenting with the most general purpose sort of protection in order to increase our knowledge and understanding of the theory and practice of protection policy and implementation.

We are left with two major problems. The first is the provision of a mechanism by which we can transmit a problem to a provider, allow the service to be provided, and get the returned results back without granting the provider modification rights to information under the control of the client. The second, and much more difficult problem, is the demand for access to the source programs for all services provided by providers, which is often a highly guarded result of the provider's effort.

The Unix 'setuid' Facility and the 'access' Protection Program:

The method by which we attain the first goal is provided by the Unix 'setuid' facility [47]. This facility allows the provider of a program to grant the client the provider's rights during the execution of that program. Although many consider this to be a severe protection deficiency because it is difficult to use with proper caution, it is a vital feature in that it provides the underlying mechanism for allowing a server to provide a service without threatening the integrity of information owned by the client.

The basic "setuid" facility allows the granting of rights, but does not facilitate its use by users. For this reason, we developed the "access" program which provides a convenient method by which users may use the "setuid" facility to provide the desired results. This program was first demonstrated in 1982 as a method for permitting users to grant generic access rights to other users on a user by user basis. It has since been augmented to provide the mechanism described herein.

The access program operates by taking as arguments, the user ID of the provider, and the name the provider has specified for the service of interest. It then looks in a table of triples provided by the provider to determine if the request is authorized to the client, and how the request is to be serviced. The access table for each user consists of the name of the service as known to the client, the user ID of the client who has authority to use the requested service under the requested name (* for any user), and a set of commands to be carried out under the authority of the provider in order to provide that service.

The following example demonstrates an access control file:

test	fc	/bin/ls /usr/jones/fcstuf
test	john	echo "How do you do"
test	*	/bin/cat inputdata | program
oops	john	/bin/ls /usr/jones/fcstuf
help	*	read A;/usr/bin/grep "$A" /usr/lib/helpfiles

In this example, if the user "fc" requests service "test", access will be granted to list the files stored in directory "/usr/jones/fcstuf". If the user "john" makes the same request, a welcome greeting is given. When any other user makes the same request, the file "inputdata" is processes by the program "program", and the results are returned to the client as output from the access program. When the user "john" requests the service "oops", the same result is given as if "fc" requested "test". Finally, the command:

echo "list" | access <user> help

where <user> is the provider with the access file above, produces an output listing of all lines in "/usr/lib/helpfiles" that contain the word "list". This demonstrates the general method by which input and output may be derived through the use of the access program. An access control file may of course request services of other providers, etc.

The nature of the service provided is general purpose, and rights can be granted to any subject on an individual basis to anything that the provider has rights to. We thus have a general purpose mechanism for granting rights in an information system which fits the Harrison, Ruzzo, and Ullman model of a general purpose protection mechanism [46] and can be modeled on the UPM [13] to determine effects on information in the system being protected. The results of theoretical work based on these models can be experimentally verified using the "access" program under Unix as a laboratory, and results of this work can be directly translated into operation. We have provided a source code listing for the "access" program in the appendices.

The Social Problem with Integrity Maintenance:

In order to assure integrity in such a system, we should limit the ability to modify services to their owner, and provide read access to each user with the capability to use each service. The first condition prevents arbitrary corruption of the integrity of services, while the second condition provides a method by which the client of a service may verify the integrity of that service independently. Unfortunately, there is a social problem that has greatly hindered the attainment of the second condition. The problem is that providers of services often do not provide access to the source code of their services.

Recent changes in US copyright law, have made the copyright of software without a public record of the source code permissible. Thus, the provider's rights to intellectual property are protected, but the society does not benefit from the advances of its individuals. The basic premise of intellectual property rights is that in exchange for providing the public with access to intellectual property, rights to profit from intellectual efforts are guaranteed. The law as it has evolved provides the right to intellectual property without giving the society the benefits of access to results. Thus, we are stifling progress in the name of protecting intellectual rights, but by any historical standard, the intellectual right is that of recognition of authorship and reasonable profit from work, not exclusion of access to methods and guaranteed profits.

There is another social reason for the continual eroding of the integrity of information residing in information systems, that being the exclusion of software from the "implied warranty of sale" which is associated with all other products in today's market. The fact that most purchased software explicitly waives any warranty of any kind, implies that the author refuses to take responsibility for the contents. When combined with the special copyright provisions granted to software, this provides a situation in which the provider of a service need not grant access to assure the integrity of the provided service, need not assure the consumer of the suitability of that service, need not reveal the techniques used in that service to others wishing to augment it, and need not take any responsibility for any ill effects of that service. This is a sure recipe for integrity corruption.

5 - Summary, Conclusions, and Further Work

Viral attacks appear to be easy to develop in a very short time, can be designed to leave few if any traces in most current systems, are effective against modern security policies for multilevel usage, and require only minimal expertise to implement. Their potential threat is severe, and they can spread very quickly through a computer system or network. They thus present a widespread and immediate threat to current systems and networks.

The proper use of the techniques outlined in this paper offers some immediate protection from simple viruses, and likely can be used to slightly reduce the risk. The more advanced forms of protection such as software self defense, N version programming, and the like require time to implement, test, and disseminate, and immediate efforts in this direction may be vital to the survival of computer use as we know it today. The chilling effect already encountered by this researcher indicates only the tip of the iceberg. As fear of viruses grow, we will likely see a rapid movement towards isolationist systems. A dramatic reduction in the creativity of programmers is likely to result from this isolationist attitude, and we may see a return to the "dark ages" of computing where everybody is on their own, and cooperation wanes.

A wide variety of defensive techniques have been considered, and many of them present vast new lines of research. Research in all of the areas listed above is underway, but most researchers in the US are sadly lagging behind the rest of the world. This is primarily due to the efforts of the US intelligence community to stifle open research in this area, and a too conservative attitude by other funding agencies in the US. If there is any hope of finding adequate defense against viruses, it lies in further scientific research.

We have provided an easy to use and general purpose method by which users using Unix can experiment with more general purpose protection mechanisms than those normally associated with information systems, and have in the process provided a means by which viral spread may be severely limited. We have provided sources for this protection mechanism so that its integrity may be easily verified by the users, and so that it can be used as a part of high integrity systems during the period that will be necessary in order to provide more advanced protection mechanisms.

We conclude that in depth examination of alternative protection rights is an important and line of research to pursue, and that the "access" program provides a means by which this research may be rapidly and effectively be performed. A concerted research effort in this area is already underway in the classified domain, but this provides little or no protection for the business, financial, and academic communities which support the government with their efforts. It is critical that we support research in the unclassified domain if we are to protect our technological infrastructure.

Although the technical aspects of viral defense have some hope of prevailing, the social problems of integrity protection seem much more difficult to resolve. The present situation is a recipe for integrity corruption and chilling of progress that has already taken a severe toll on the United States. It will continue to take its toll until integrity is viewed as the major requirement in information systems. It is only by making integrity a social priority, that we can hope to eradicate the corruptions that are running rampant through our modern information systems.


  1. F. Cohen, "Computer Viruses - Theory and Experiments", DOD/NBS 7th Conference on Computer Security, originally appearing in IFIP-sec 84, also appearing in "Computers and Security", V6(1987), pp22-35 and other publications in several languages
  2. J. P. Anderson, "Computer Security Technology Planning Study", USAF Electronic Systems Division, #ESD-TR-73-51, Oct 1972, (Cited in Denning)
  3. R. R. Linde, "Operating System Penetration", AIFIPS National Computer Conference, pp 361-368, 1975
  4. D. E. Bell and L. J. LaPadula, "Secure Computer Systems: Mathematical Foundations and Model", The Mitre Corporation, 1973 (cited in many papers)
  5. D. E. Denning, "Cryptography and Data Security", Addison Wesley, 1982
  6. E. J. McCauley and P. J. Drongowski, "KSOS - The Design of a Secure Operating System", AIFIPS National Computer Conference, pp 345-353, 1979
  7. G. J. Popek, M. Kampe, C.S. Kline, A. Stoughton, M. Urban, and E.J. Walton, "UCLA Secure Unix", AIFIPS, National Computer Conference 1979, pp355-364
  8. B. D. Gold, R. R. Linde, R. J. Peeler, M. Schaefer, J.F. Scheid, and P.D. Ward, "A Security Retrofit of VM/370", AIFIPS National Computer Conference, pp335-344, 1979
  9. C. E. Landwehr, "The Best Available Technologies for Computer Security", IEEE Computer, V16#7, July, 1983
  10. B. W. Lampson, "A note on the Confinement Problem", Communications of the ACM V16(10) pp613-615, Oct, 1973
  11. K. J. Biba, "Integrity Considerations for Secure Computer Systems", USAF Electronic Systems Division (cited in Denning), 1977
  12. K. Thompson, "Reflections on Trusting Trust", Turing award lecture, 1984, CACM, Aug, 1984
  13. F. Cohen, "Computer Viruses", PhD Dissertation, University of Southern California, 1986
  14. A. Dewdney, "Computer Recreations", Scientific American, 1986
  15. F. Cohen, "Computer Security Methods and Systems", 1984 Conference on Information Systems and Science, Princeton University, 1984
  16. M. Pozzo and T. Gray, "Managing Exposure to Potentially Malicious Programs", Proceedings of the 9th National Computer Security Conference, Sept. 1986
  17. F. Cohen, "A Secure Computer Network Design", Computers and Security, V4#3, Sept. 1985, pp 189-205, also appearing in AFCEA Symp. and Expo. on Physical and Electronic Security, Aug. 1985
  18. F. Cohen, "Protection and Administration of Information Networks Under Partial Orderings", Computers and Security, V6(1987) pp118-128
  19. F. Cohen, "Design and Administration of Distributed and Hierarchical Information Networks Under Partial Orderings", Computers and Security, V6(1987), 15 pages
  20. M. Pozzo and T. Gray, "Computer Virus Containment in Untrusted Computing Environments", IFIP/SEC 4th International Conference on Computers and Security, Dec. 1986
  21. F. Cohen, "Design and Administration of an Information Network Under a Partial Ordering - A Case Study", Computers and Security, V6(1987) pp332-338
  22. F. Cohen, "Designing Provably Correct Information Networks with Digital Diodes", Computers and Security, (awaiting publication)
  23. F. Cohen, "A Cryptographic Checksum for Integrity Protection in Untrusted Computer Systems", Computers and Security, V6(1987).
  24. F. Cohen, "Two Secure Network File Servers", Computers and Security, 1987 (awaiting publication)
  25. M. Pozzo and T. Gray, "An Approach to Containing Computer Viruses", Computers and Security, (accepted for publication, 1987)
  26. F. Cohen, "Integrity Protection in a Radon Measurement System", IEEE Trans on Reliability, 1987 (awaiting acceptance)
  27. F. Cohen, "A Complexity Based Integrity Maintenance Mechanism", Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton University, March 1986
  28. F. Cohen, "Recent Results in Computer Viruses", Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Johns Hopkins University, March 1985
  29. F. Cohen, "Maintaining a Poor Person's Integrity", Computers and Security, 1987 (awaiting publication)
  30. W. Murray, "The Application of Epedemiology to Computer Viruses", Computers and Security, Computers and Security, (submitted awaiting acceptance, 1988)
  31. H. Highland - ED, Special Issue of Computers and Security, April, 1988, IFIPS
  32. V. McLellan, "Computer Systems Under Seige", The New York Times, Sunday, Jan. 31, 1988.
  33. J F Shoch and J A Hupp, "The 'Worm' Programs - Early Experience with a Distributed Computation", CACM pp172-180, March, 1982
  34. A. Dewdney, "Computer Recreations", Scientific American, V250#5, pp14-22, May, 1984
  35. J.B. Gunn, "Use of Virus Functions to Provide a Virtual APL Interpreter Under User Control", CACM, pp163-168, July, 1974
  36. L. J. Hoffman, "Impacts of information system vulnerabilities on society", AIFIPS National Computer Conference, pp461-467, 1982 .bp [37] ^ Kaplan, [U.S. Dept. of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics] "Computer Crime - Computer Security Techniques", U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1982
  37. M. H. Klein, "Department of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria", Department of Defense Computer Security Center, Fort Meade, Md. 20755, 1983 DOD-CSC-84-001
  38. A. Turing, "On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem", London Math Soc Ser 2, 1936
  39. S. Yau and R. Cheung, "Design of Self Checking Software", Conference on Reliable Software, IEEE, 1975, pp450-457
  40. J. Kelly and A. Avizienis, "A Specification Oriented Multi-Version Software Experiment", IEEE Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computing pp120-126, 1983
  41. R. Scott, J. Gault, D. McAllister, and J. Wiggs, "Experimental Validation of Six Fault Tolerant Software Reliability Models", IEEE Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computing, pp102-107, 1984
  42. L. Chen and A. Avizienis, "N-version programming: a fault tolerance approach to reliability of software operation", FTCS-8, pp 3-9, June, 1978
  43. L. Chen, "Improving Software Reliability by N-version Programming", UCLA Computer Science Dept, UCLA-ENG-7843, 1978
  44. Randell, "System Structure for Software Fault Tolerance", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, June 1975, pp220-223, Vol.SE-1
  45. M. Harrison, W. Ruzzo, and J. Ullman, "Protection in Operating Systems", CACM V19#8, Aug 1976, pp461-471
  46. AT+T, "The Unix System Programmer's Reference Manual"
/*			Copyright(c) 1988 Fred Cohen
			     All Rights Reserved

check: is written in C to demonstrate a cryptographic checksum ala
F.  Cohen, "A Complexity Based Integrity Maintenance Mechanism",
Computers and Security, Nov. 1987. This software is provided in source
form in order to allow its integrity to be verified by the reader.

 #include <stdio.h>
 #include "check.h"
FILE	*fopen();
static	int	key,randnum,stopprint,function;
static	char	*sumfile, *progname;

static	int mtimes(a,b,c)	/*modular multiplication*/
int	a,b,c;
{int	d;
d = 0;
while (b != 0)
	{if (1 == (b & 1)) d = (d+a) % c;
	a = (a * 2) % c; b = b / 2;}

static	int	mexpt(a,b,c)	/*modular exponentiation*/
int	a,b,c;
{int	d,done;
d = 1;
while (b != 0)
	{if (1 == (b & 1))
		{b = b - 1; d = mtimes(d,a,c);}
	else	{b = b / 2; a = mtimes(a,a,c);}}

static	int	rand()		/* RSA encrypt of a digit */
{randnum = 1 + mexpt(randnum,exponent,modulus);}


static	int	dochecksum(filename)	/*gets the checksum for a filename*/
char	filename[];
{int	fid,checksum,fcount,rand2;
char	ch[chlen];
randnum = key;
rand2 = randnum;
if ((fid=open(filename,0)) < 0) return(-1);	/*no such file*/
while ((fcount = read(fid,ch,chlen)) > 0)
		{int i;
		for (i = 0;i < fcount;i++)
			rand2 = ((rand2*17) % (modulus-2)) + ch[i];
		randnum = ((randnum + rand2) % (modulus-2)) + 2;
if (testing == TRUE) printf("\tchecksum %s => %d\n",filename,randnum);

static	int	putdata(filename,checksum,sumfile)	/*append data record*/
int	checksum;
char	filename[],sumfile[];
{FILE	*fid;
if ((fid = fopen(sumfile,"a")) == NULL) {fclose(fid);
		if (stopprint != 1) printf("file %s not summed\n",filename);
		return(-1);} /*failed*/
fprintf(fid,"%s %d\n",filename,checksum);
if (stopprint != 1) printf("file %s summed\n",filename);
fclose(fid);return(0);					/*success*/}

static	int	getdata(filename,sumfile)	/* return stored checksum */
char	filename[],sumfile[];
{char	fname2[namesize];
int	csumin,checksum;
FILE	*fid;
checksum = -1;
if ((fid = fopen(sumfile,"r")) == NULL) return(-1);	/*failed*/
while (fscanf(fid,"%s %d\n",fname2, &csumin) != EOF)
	if (!(strcmp(filename,fname2))) checksum=csumin;
if (testing == TRUE) printf("\tgetfile %s => %d\n",filename,checksum);

static	int	init(sumfile,progname)
char	progname[],sumfile[];
{int	selftest;
if (stopprint != 1) printf("self test - ");
if ((selftest = getdata(progname,sumfile)) < 0)
	{if (stopprint != 1) printf("checksum file error - ");
	if (putdata(progname,dochecksum(progname),sumfile) < 0)
	if (stopprint != 1) printf("checksum file created\n");
	} else
	{if (selftest == dochecksum(progname))
		{if (stopprint != 1) printf("self test successful\n");
	else	{if (stopprint != 1) printf("program CORRUPT\n");
};	}

static	int	checkall(sumfile)
char	sumfile[];
{char	fname2[namesize],filename[namesize];
int	csumin,checksum;
FILE	*fid;
int errors;errors = 0;
if ((fid = fopen(sumfile,"r")) == NULL) return(-1);	/*failed*/
while (fscanf(fid,"%s %d\n",fname2,&csumin) != EOF)
	if (csumin != dochecksum(fname2))
		{errors= -1;
		if (stopprint != 1) printf("file %s CORRUPT\n",fname2);}
	else	{if (stopprint != 1) printf("file %s OK\n",fname2);}

static	int	checkfile(sumfile,progname)
char	progname[],sumfile[];
{int	selftest;
if (stopprint != 1) printf("test file %s - ",progname);
if ((selftest = getdata(progname,sumfile)) < 0)
	{if (stopprint != 1) printf("no checksum\n");return(-1);
	} else
	{if (selftest == dochecksum(progname))
		{if (stopprint != 1) printf("file OK\n");
	else	{if (stopprint != 1) printf("file CORRUPT\n");
};	}
int	checker(func,sumfile,filetocheck,thekey,printit)
int	func,thekey,printit;
char	sumfile[],filetocheck[];
{int	result;
key = thekey;
stopprint = printit;
result = -1;
switch (func)
	{case 0:	result = init(sumfile,filetocheck);break;
	case 1:		result = checkfile(sumfile,filetocheck);break;
	case 2:	result = putdata(filetocheck,dochecksum(filetocheck),sumfile);
	case 3:	if (getdata(filetocheck,sumfile) == dochecksum(filetocheck))
			{if (stopprint != 1)
				printf("file %s checked OK\n",filetocheck);
		else	{if (stopprint != 1)
				printf("file %s CORRUPT\n",filetocheck);
	case 4:		result = checkall(sumfile); break;
	default:	result = -1;break;

/*			Copyright(c) 1988 Fred Cohen
			     All Rights Reserved

Main: A cryptographic checksum ala F.  Cohen, "A Complexity Based
Integrity Maintenance Mechanism", Computers and Security, Nov. 1987.
This software is provided in source form in order to allow its integrity
to be verified by the reader.  It includes a general purpose integrity
checking program (main.c) which compiles into "checker". 
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include "check.h"
extern	int	checker();
int	key;
FILE	*fopen();

 #define	checkerfile	"checker"
 #define checkfile	"checker.sum"

{char	which[10],filename[100];
printf("Please enter the check key:");scanf("%d",&key);fflush(stdin);
while (1 == 1)
	{printf("\ncheck	checks a previously summed file\n");
	printf("sum	sums a file for subsequent checking\n");
	printf("all	prints a history of all old checksums\n");
	printf("help	prints this message\n");
	printf("quit	exits the program, doing a new checksum\n");
	printf("note that a wrong key will cause massive errors\n");
	printf("check(c), sum(s), checkall(a), quit(q):");
	switch (which[0])
		{case 'q' : checker(1,checkfile,checkerfile,key,FALSE);
		case 's'  : printf("file to be summed:");
		case 'c'  : printf("file to be checked:");
		case 'a'  : printf("Complete history being printed\n");
		default : printf("\nPlease choose one of the following\n");
}	}	}
/*			Copyright(c) 1988 Fred Cohen
			     All Rights Reserved

check.h - "include"ed by all other programs
 #define FALSE 0
 #define TRUE 1
 #define exponent 10243
 #define modulus 14351
 #define chlen 512
 #define namesize 127
 #define testing 0
/*			Copyright(c) 1988 Fred Cohen
			    All Rights Reserved

Mantra: A self defending (once placed with a non-writable checksum file)
password generator that created "computer mantras" ala F.  Cohen,
"Algorithmic Authentication of Identification", Information Age, 1984.
This software is provided in source form in order to allow its integrity
to be verified by the reader.*/
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include "check.h"
extern	int	checker();
int	key;
 #define	checkerfile	"mantra"
 #define checkfile	"mantra.sum"
char*	mantra[]={"ab","ac","ad","af","ag","ah","aj","ak","al","am","an",
long	n;
{int	i,j;
/* if you want to require a password by the user, then
otherwise: */
if (0 != checker(0,checkfile,checkerfile,key,0)) exit();
for (i=0;i<5;i++)
	{loop:j=(0377 & (rand() ^ rng()));
	if (j>185) goto loop;
/*		Copyright (c) 1988 by Fred Cohen
		       All Rights Reserved

access - grants access on a case by case basis

called by: access uid his-function-name

$HOME/.access file formats
<pseudoname><tab><user><tab><command to be executed>

 #include	<stdio.h>
 #include	<pwd.h>
 #define	linelen		120
 #define	TRUE		1
 #define FALSE		0
extern	char	**environ;
struct	passwd	*getpwuid();

int	whoami(idline)
char	idline[];
{struct passwd *pp;
pp = getpwuid(getuid());
if (pp == 0) return(FALSE);
sprintf(idline,"%s", pp->pw_name);

int	workdir(idline)
char	idline[];
{struct passwd *pp;
pp = getpwuid(geteuid());
if (pp == 0) return(FALSE);
sprintf(idline,"%s/", pp->pw_dir);

int	mapid(idline)
char	idline[];
{struct passwd *pp;
pp = getpwnam(idline);
if (pp == 0) return(-1);
int	nextline(line,fileid)
char	line[];
int	fileid;
{int	i,cnt,eof,eoln,err;
char	ch;
eof = FALSE;err = FALSE;eoln = FALSE;
for (i = 0;((i < linelen) && (err == FALSE) && (eof == FALSE)
					&& (eoln == FALSE)); i++)
	{cnt = read(fileid,&ch,1);
	if (cnt < 0) {err = TRUE; return(FALSE);}
	if (cnt == 0) return(FALSE);
	ch = ch & 0377;
	if (ch == '\n') eoln = TRUE;
	line[i] = ch;}
line[i-1] = '\000';
if ((eof == TRUE) || (err == TRUE)) return(FALSE); else return(TRUE);};

int	outstring(p,fileid)
char	p[];
int	fileid;
{int	i;
for (i = 0;p[i] != '\0';i++) if (write(fileid,&p[i],1) < 1) return(FALSE);

int	copystring(dest,source)
char	dest[],source[];
{int	j;
for (j = 0;((j < linelen)&&(source[j] != '\000'));j++)
	dest[j] = source[j];
dest[j] = '\000';
if ((j == linelen)||(j == 0)) return(FALSE);

int	cmpstring(line1,line2)
char	line1[],line2[];
{int	i;
for (i = 0; ((i < linelen)&&(line1[i] == line2[i]));i++)
	if (line1[i] == '\000') return(TRUE);

int	appendstring(dest,source)
char	dest[],source[];
{int	i,j;
for (i = 0;((i < linelen)&&(dest[i] != '\000'));i++);
for (j = 0;(((i+j) < linelen)&&(source[j] != '\000'));j++)
	dest[i+j] = source[j];
dest[i+j] = '\000';
if ((j == linelen)||(j == 0)) return(FALSE); else return(TRUE);};

int	outline(line,fileid)
char	line[];
int	fileid;
{int	i,ch,cnt,eof,eoln;
for (i = 0,eof = FALSE,eoln = FALSE;
		 ((i < linelen) && (eof == FALSE) && (eoln == FALSE)); i++)
	{if (line[i] == 0) ch = '\n',eoln = TRUE; else ch = line[i];
	cnt = write(fileid,&ch,1);
	if ((cnt == 0) || (cnt == -1)) eof = TRUE;};
if (eof == TRUE) return(FALSE); else return(TRUE);};

int	nextword(line,place,result)
char	line[],result[];
int	*place;
{int	i,j;
for	(i = *place; ((i < linelen)&&(line[i] != '\000')); i++)
	if ((line[i] != '\t') && (line[i] != ' ')) goto gotone;
for (j = i; ((j < linelen)&&(line[j] != '\000')); j++)
	if ((line[j] != '\t') && (line[j] != ' ')) result[j-i]= line[j];
	else	{*place = j;result[j-i] = '\000';return(TRUE);};
result[j-i] = '\000';*place = j;

int	cmdnextarg(line,argc,argv)
char	line[],*argv[];
int	argc;
{static	int	argnum = 0;
if (argnum > (argc-1)) return(FALSE);
if (copystring(line,(argv[argnum])) == FALSE) return(FALSE);
argnum = argnum + 1;

char	cmd[];
{outstring("starting access\n",2);
int	argc;
char	*argv[];
{int	accfile,Exec;
char	pathname[linelen],inline[linelen],hisuid[linelen],
if (cmdnextarg(inline,argc,argv) != TRUE)
	{outstring("no filename - ",2);
	goto bye;};
if (cmdnextarg(myuid,argc,argv) != TRUE)
	{outstring("no user ID given - ",2);
	goto bye;};
if (cmdnextarg(pathname,argc,argv) != TRUE)
	{outstring("no command name given - ",2);
	goto bye;};
if (FALSE != setuid(mapid(myuid)))
	{outstring("no such user ID - ",2);
	goto bye;};
if (appendstring(myhome,".access") == FALSE) goto bye;
if ((accfile = open(myhome,0)) < 2)
	{outstring("couldn't get .access file - ",2);
	goto bye;};
while (nextline(inline,accfile) == TRUE)
	{int	place;
	place = 0;
	if (nextword(inline,&place,templine) == TRUE)
	  if (nextword(inline,&place,uname) == TRUE)
		if (cmpstring(templine,pathname) == TRUE)
		  if ((cmpstring(uname,hisuid) == TRUE)
		     || (cmpstring("*",uname) == TRUE))
bye:	outline("ending access\n",2);};
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