VCL's also tend to give the beginning virus "writers" a false sense of their programming abilities." />

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The Virus Creation Labs

Horny Toad
CodeBreakers [1]
October 1997

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I would like to share my feelings on virus creation labs in an attempt to put them in a certain perspective for the beginning virus writer. With just a cursory glance around the underworld of hacking and virus writing, one can not avoid the subject of these code generators that essentially allow anyone, regardless of their programming experience, to create working virii. The general consensus of most virus writers is that these programs blow ass and have no purpose other than to flood the world with easily scanable and weak virii. It is true that, for the most part, virtually every AV program on the market will pick up these creations, in their unaltered form. The VCL's also tend to give the beginning virus "writers" a false sense of their programming abilities.

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