Library: Virus general
Anti anti-viruses, anti-debugging (22)
Anti-virus programs (7)
Analysis of the particular viruses (71)
Artificial intelligence and evolution (19)
Anti-virus technology (24)
Anti-virus general (76)
Collecting and Trading (3)
Cryptography and Cryptovirology (10)
MS-DOS specific (42)
Computer Epidemiology (10)
Fiction (13)
Good viruses and worms (8)
Interviews with VXers and AVers (64)
Information warfare (5)
Computer Immunology (8)
History (44)
Laws (18)
Macro and script viruses (69)
Metamorphism (15)
Different OS's - MacOS, MenuetOS, ... (3)
Trojans, Hoaxes, Hypes, Spyware (4)
Theory, models and definitions (36)
Polymorphism (24)
Predictions, Prognosis, Trends... (12)
Scene, Psychological, Ethical, Cultural and Social aspects (105)
Self-reproduction (3)
UNIX and clones specific (30)
Virus technology (55)
Virus general@
Computer worms (21)
Windows specific (51)
Rootkits (2)
Some New Ideaz for Future Viruses» (
4.63Kb 3722 hitsBlack Cat Virus Group [3] (2002)In this article, I'll explain about some possible new ideas, methods and techniques to be used in future viruses, be it worms, trojans or file infecting virusesNote that all methods and ideas I've discussed here are not pure facts. They're based upon what I think it's possible from my experience being a virus writer/researcher and collector.
Billy Belcebú
Heuristic Technology» (
6.52Kb 159 hitsDDT [1] (1999)By seeing the title, you can think that this article will talk about the way for defeat heuristic scanners and such like. No, my intention is to share my ideas. This article wasn't dessigned for the ppl that doesn't have imagination. I think that the imagination is our weapon, and this little document is only about my ideas in a determinated moment of my life, so if you think i'm wrong, just demonstrate it, and i'll very pleased. Anyway, here you have
Viric life and die theories»
12.75Kb 153 hitsDDT [1] (1999)After seeing the article's name you can think that this document is going to talk about the virus die in AV hands. No, this article won't discuss that (interesting anyway) theme, it will talk about the matter of make viruses to have human features (born, grow, reproduce and die). Seems sci-fi huh? :) Well, this is a circle, as the life is. Let's see a little diagram.
Ralf Burger
Computer viruses - a high-tech disease»
466.43Kb 4254 hits (1988)Computer Viruses: A High-Tech Disease describes the relatively new phenomena among personal computer users, one that has the potential to destroy large amounts of data stored in PC systems. Simply put, this book explains what a computer virus is, how it works, and what can be done to protect your PC against destruction.
Virus DATabase» (
9994 hits (2000)MGL: Virus DATabase is not exactly a zine, but a virus knowledge base with tutorials, source codes, interviews, group information and other. VDAT has been for long time the standart reference base and the scene's Who's who. It was for long time free accessible for everyone, but now Cicatrix, the dude behind VDAT, has decided to change the policy. Starting with VDAT 2000.1 this unique piece of information is now just for the insiders - you need to have key, or you can access just a few areas. The reason why was obvious - too much negative reactions from certain assholes. Original VDAT's homepage no longer exists, however official VDAT distro site is now hosted on coderz.net. Most of the people respected the decision of making recent VDAT not publicly readable. Need to say this valuable piece of information was still accessible - with the release of new version, the keyfile for old version was released. But when the actual VDAT key leaked to public Cicatrix decited to discontinue VDAT updating it only for his own purposes.
Fred Cohen
Virus Based Products» (
2.58Kb 5023 hitsInfectious Disease Magazine [3] (1993)I am surprised that so many well respected Virus-L readers and writers failed to understand the implication of creating 1500 viruses per day that are not detected by existing scanners. The point is that the number or percentqge of viruses detected is not as important as the effect of the product.
Horny Toad
The Virus Creation Labs»
4.64Kb 5965 hitsCodeBreakers [1] (1997)I would like to share my feelings on virus creation labs in an attempt to put them in a certain perspective for the beginning virus writer. With just a cursory glance around the underworld of hacking and virus writing, one can not avoid the subject of these code generators that essentially allow anyone, regardless of their programming experience, to create working virii. The general consensus of most virus writers is that these programs blow ass and have no purpose other than to flood the world with easily scanable and weak virii. It is true that, for the most part, virtually every AV program on the market will pick up these creations, in their unaltered form. The VCL's also tend to give the beginning virus "writers" a false sense of their programming abilities.
Simple worm in delphi and corrections»
7.1Kb 2779 hitsReady Rangers Liberation Front [7] (2006)Many people know about the Interactive Disassembler. It is a great tool for disassembling many different file formats for many different CPUs. It even has a debugger now, so it can be used for all kinds of reverse-engineering, unpacking, decrypting, etc. In case that was not enough functionality, it also supports a language called IDC. In the words of Ilfak, IDC language is a C-like language. It has the same lexical tokens as C does: character set, constants, identifiers, keywords, etc. A program in IDC consists of function declarations.
Virus infecting the mIRC»
4.73Kb 2750 hitsReady Rangers Liberation Front [7] (2006)Many people know about the Interactive Disassembler. It is a great tool for disassembling many different file formats for many different CPUs. It even has a debugger now, so it can be used for all kinds of reverse-engineering, unpacking, decrypting, etc. In case that was not enough functionality, it also supports a language called IDC. In the words of Ilfak, IDC language is a C-like language. It has the same lexical tokens as C does: character set, constants, identifiers, keywords, etc. A program in IDC consists of function declarations.
Tokugawa Ieyasu
Delta Offset»
5.37Kb 4971 hitshttp://toku.es/2010/05/delta-offset/ (2010)This article explains how to write position-independent code using delta-offset
Karsten Johansson
Computer Viruses: The Technology and Evolution of an Artificial Life Form»
316.05Kb 13052 hits (1994) Kharn
Exploring RDA»
7.73Kb 6012 hits.aware eZine Alpha - Overground Hacking The ultimate aim of every VXer is to write a program which is difficult, or even impossible to remove from the host after it's been attached. This code is then truly viral - it can't be removed without somehow harming the host, or the host's environment. Many methods have been used to acheive this, but at the heart of them all lies various methods of encryption - and RDA is one of them.RDA is not some new cipher - it stands for Random Decryption Algorithm, and can be used with any encryption algorithm, whether symmetric or assymetric. It was first implemented in the RDA.Fighter virus, a virus which tried different decryption keys against itself until the "decrypted" virus matched a certain checksum - and this was assumed to be correct. This is the simplest implementation of RDA.
Mark Ludwig
The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses» (
748.76Kb 66002 hitsAmerican Eagle Publications, Inc. (1995)«
The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses» (
215.15Kb 54487 hitsAmerican Eagle Publications, Inc. (1996)This first of three volumes is a technical introduction to the basics of writing computer viruses. It discusses what a virus is, and how it does its job, going into the major functional components of the virus, step by step. Several different types of viruses are developed from the ground up, giving the reader practical how-to information for writing viruses. That is also a prerequisite for decoding and understanding any viruses one may run across in his day to day computing.
Atari 8-bit virus»
8.8Kb 6321 hitsMega Magazine #6 (1993)In one of the previous MegaZines were several articles with titles containing the word "virus". Of course my curiosity was infinite! "Viruses on our favourite microcomputer?" - I thought - "That cannot be true!". And I was right... Those articles were about compression and other, after all, interesting subjects. But something happened - people in Poland began to talk about those dangerous life-forms. First that was treated as a joke, but then one guy who writes games for Mirage Software accused the second one of damaging his precious data! That second guy, well known musician, was maintaining to have done nothing about erasing any data. And here that famous word appeared the first time in the serious circumstances. The word "VIRUS".
Finding DC++ ShareFolders Via Xml in C#»
2.14Kb 2772 hitsReady Rangers Liberation Front [7] (2006)Many people know about the Interactive Disassembler. It is a great tool for disassembling many different file formats for many different CPUs. It even has a debugger now, so it can be used for all kinds of reverse-engineering, unpacking, decrypting, etc. In case that was not enough functionality, it also supports a language called IDC. In the words of Ilfak, IDC language is a C-like language. It has the same lexical tokens as C does: character set, constants, identifiers, keywords, etc. A program in IDC consists of function declarations.
Run-Time Compiling»
4.41Kb 2797 hitsReady Rangers Liberation Front [7] (2006)Many people know about the Interactive Disassembler. It is a great tool for disassembling many different file formats for many different CPUs. It even has a debugger now, so it can be used for all kinds of reverse-engineering, unpacking, decrypting, etc. In case that was not enough functionality, it also supports a language called IDC. In the words of Ilfak, IDC language is a C-like language. It has the same lexical tokens as C does: character set, constants, identifiers, keywords, etc. A program in IDC consists of function declarations.
Silent Supporter
Infecting Compilers» (
2.21Kb 779 hits29a [6] (2001)All of us know how to modify executables right? The bad thing is, that all of AVers know that too.Well, there's a chance to make their work incredibly hard. What I am talking of is to infect not executables, but sources. But not the old way, like most of source infectors do. It is too easy to append some code to the file that is on the hard disk. it is also too easy for a programmer [he's not dumb, right?] to notice that something is wrong with his files.
Marketing Virus: The new age of malixious programs» (
5.86Kb 697 hits29a [6] (2001)New technologies created by virus writers are cool and powerful. Unfortunately AV community is more than just coders. They're damn smart and able to react to all the tricks very fast.
Worms and Viruses: A little essay» (
4.37Kb 3064 hitsKefrens [1] (2000)Hello to this little essay... I want to discuss here a the relationship between worms and viruses. I will presend some ideas, which may help to let us set some rules for the game between us and the AV-community :)
Code via Behaviour»
9.97Kb 6966 hitsReady Rangers Liberation Front [5] (2004)'Code via Behaviour' is an idea for hard-way morphing of code, it's a kind of metamorphism, but much heavier than nowadays metamorphic techniques. Maybe it's a primitive way of AI, who knows? First of all I have to say that this is just an idea, nothing more. The whole thing could be trash, but I don't hope/think so. Past showed us that everything is born out of an idea, and that is my the inspiration for writing this article. The article itself is 100% theoretically, no codeing examples, nothing but the explained idea.
Over-File Splitting»
8.92Kb 6149 hitsReady Rangers Liberation Front [6] (2005)This title may give you no ideas what my idea is about, so I'll tell you: The idea itself is a heavy kind of Fuck-AV technique, it does not belong to any other technique I've already seen. Just check it out.Let's consider the detection of a virus by an AV program: The AV program searchs in all files of the disk for special strings or whatever. If it finds such a string, the file is detected. (I dont talk about encryption or polymorphism in this connection - it's not important for the idea). How to prevent this detection? I'll explain you...
Surrealism in viruswriting: How to create new ideas» (
4.48Kb 6393 hitsReady Rangers Liberation Front [6] (2005)This article is no way a description of a new technique or a new idea, sorry - but this could be interesting/useful for reading anyway. The article deals with the creation of new ideas, and how to get new ideas or techniques. Why I did it? I wanted to find out, why and when the brain creates very new ideas. Let's start...
Thoughts about Morphology in viruses» (
5.27Kb 6434 hits (2006)For more than 1.5 years I'm thinking about this topic, and recently I saw that it is important to let you know about it. With this text I want to give an answere and solution to the questions, why antivirus-programs can detect even the best hidding techniques nowadays (metamorphism combined with permutation, full target integration and polymorphical encryption).
16 authors, 24 titles